
Why We Care:

 “Northwest Michigan is becoming a more and more difficult place for young families and working people to live. Not enough new homes are being built. Homes for rent are being pulled off the market for short term rentals like Airbnb. For these and other reasons, housing costs have surged past local incomes and there is a real shortage of homes. Teachers, health care workers, first responders and other middle class workers young and old are not able to live in our communities. They have to drive from farther and farther away to work or they leave our region altogether. We run the risk of creating communities where only the most wealthy can afford to live.” Homes for Our Future

The Leelanau County Board of Commissioners approved the creation of a housing committee in 2017. The Housing Action Committee (HAC) began its work as a sub-committee of the County Planning Commission, with members from local government, housing organizations, business, and the public. It focuses on regulatory barriers to housing, and how to help communities become “housing ready” with appropriate planning and zoning. The HAC is currently using a Housing Ready checklist as they conduct local government outreach, attending local meetings on request, and working to identify resources for technical assistance to local governments. The HAC also interacts regularly with related housing partners like the Northwest Michigan Housing Solutions Network, Leelanau REACH, and County boards and committees including the Board of Commissioners, the Planning Commission, and the Land Bank Authority.

Our Big Goal:

To diversify our housing stock by building affordable housing, increasing long-term rental housing and maintaining our current housing stock.

Take Action:

  • Sign up for the Housing Matters Newsletter

    It provides information on events, advocacy opportunities, regional housing initiatives and information on how to get involved with Homes for our Future and partners. To sign up for the newsletter and our mailing list, click here

  • Encourage Your Local Government to Take Action

    Local governments can make way for housing solutions by changing zoning laws, providing tax incentives, and working proactively with development partners. But they need to hear from citizens in order to move forward. To get engaged, you can attend community meetings to make sure your voice is heard, or work directly with local officials or staff. You can contact your local housing network for assistance in communicating with your local officials, and stay in the loop on current proposals by signing up for updates.

    Sample Resolution for Local Governments

  • Schedule a Presentation to Your Group, Community, or Business

    Housing North staff and community housing networks can talk with your group, community, or business about housing needs and solutions. Email info@housingnorth.org and staff will work with you to schedule a presentation or discussion.

