Speak up. Public comment, phone calls and letters make a difference!

The more elected officials hear from constituents like you on specific issues impacting you and your community, the more likely they are to make it a priority to address.


Write Letters to the Editor

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Record Eagle

The Record-Eagle welcomes letters on any topic of general community interest. Please limit your letters to no more than 200 words. Political endorsement letters are limited to 100 words. All letters must contain the author's name, which will be published along with the author's town of residence, plus the author's signature, address and telephone number for verification purposes. Letters are subject to editing. Election letters are limited to 100 words.

Submit through this online form

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Northern Express

300 words or less

Include name, address/phone for verification.

One letter per month (unverified but likely update: they are agreeing to only publish first name, last initial, and town)

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Leelanau Enterprise

250 words or less.

Include your complete name, address, phone for verification and email address.

One letter per month.

Deadline for letters is Monday, noon, for that week’s paper.

Send letters to: Letters to the Editor, Leelanau Enterprise, 7200 E. Duck Lake Rd, Lake Leelanau, MI 49653 or email to Editor@leelanaunews.com


Participate in Board of Commissioners Meetings


If you are unable to join a meeting and make a public comment, emailed comments are welcomed prior to the meeting and can be addressed to clerk@leelanau.gov or mcrocker@co.leelanau.mi.us.


Making a Public Comment

  • Board of Commissioners meet twice a month: the 2nd Tuesday at 9AM and the 3rd Tuesday at 7PM.

  • There are two opportunities for public comment on the agenda during board meetings. 

    • Public comment is at the beginning and end of the meeting, is limited to 3 minutes and commenters may only speak once during a meeting (unless otherwise requested by chair)

    • If you would like to provide comment during the meeting, please watch the livestream video and call in during one of the two public comment portions on the agenda, to 231-256-8109. There will be no queue, and calls will be taken in the order they are received.

Review Archived Meeting Minutes, Agendas and Videos

General information can be found on the Board of Commissioners page. 

  • You will find commissioner contact info, agendas, district maps, board rules and policies, meeting schedules, a calendar of events, meeting videos.

  • Departments, meeting minutes and agendas for all county boards and commissions can be found here

  • The Board of Commissioners meetings are also available for review on YouTube.  You can find them here.