We are a grassroots group of citizens from diverse backgrounds who love and live in and around Leelanau County.

We work to build a better world for future generations through informed, engaged, and committed action.

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Local Government Impacts Us Most

Your voice is needed. Attend a local township and county meeting, reach out to our elected officials with your opinion and consider applying to join a committee or task force.

Leelanau Indivisible & Act Blue

A small donation goes a long way to support Leelanau Indivisible, a group of Leelanau County Citizens dedicated to defending democracy in Leelanau County.

Strengthening Our Community Through

Photo from Loma Farm

Photo from Loma Farm

Photo from Record Eagle, Jan-Michael Stump

Photo from Record Eagle, Jan-Michael Stump

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

— Margaret J. Wheatley


Click to watch a video of our action and accomplishments since 2016.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land of Leelanau County is land ceded in the treaty of 1855, whose ancestral land of the Anishinabek, known as the three fires confederacy of the Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi, and recognized by the colonial government as the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. We give thanks to the Anishinabeg as the caretakers of mother earth and their relationship to the land; we acknowledge we are nothing without aki (mother-earth), newsin (air), nibi (water), gitigaadan (plants) and wesiinyag (animals).